Success Stories
Breakthroughs &
"The first place I turn if I'm feeling unwell"
I would describe Janet Podleski, my BodyIntuitive Practitioner, as my 9-1-1 when it comes to any aspect of my health: physical and emotional. A session with her is the first place I turn if I’m feeling off-balance or unwell. This is bad for my doctor’s billing, but I would much rather have a quick session with Janet to learn more about why I am suddenly lymph-y and lethargic, than going to my MD who would take forever to put in a requisition for tests.
If my back goes out due to fascial tightness, I call Janet for a session. My chiropractor or massage therapist cannot excavate the situation the way Janet and a BodyIntuitive session does. My massage therapist wouldn’t help with the emotional resolution of coping with the loss of my darling golden doodle, and how my aching kidneys relate to a past experience as a child when I found a beloved pony trapped and injured in a barbed wire fence.
Janet’s session that day was transformational for me. It also related to unprocessed grief over the loss of my beautiful father. My spirit was lifted and my organs received an incredible infusion of healing, too.
– Veronica, Ottawa

"Janet interconnects the story and the source so that healing can transpire"
A BodyIntuitive session with Janet is a pure gift. A diagnosis or symptom is a physical experience that does not reveal the cause or underlying issues. Janet eloquently and perceptively interconnects the story and source so that healing can transpire. I have experienced several sessions for challenges with thyroid, pancreas, weight gain, fatigue, and toxicity in my body. While my doctor only addressed the physical aspects, Janet revealed epigenetic causes, childhood traumas, and effects in my energetic field. She is incredibly knowledgeable, intuitive, and a beautiful soul whose work greatly improved not only my physical body but also my emotions, energy and overall well-being.
– Tiffani, Sedona

"Life changing"
My BodyIntuitive sessions with Janet have been life changing. Janet is an incredible healer and I’m in awe of the discoveries and energy she offers every time we work together. Over the past few years, she’s helped me rebuild my digestive system after experiencing dysbiosis, put my Crohn’s into remission and regulated my menstrual cycle. She’s created a safe space for me to discover and acknowledge how emotional experiences are stored in the body and offered tools to release them. As a result, I feel more in tune with my body than ever before. Janet’s generous spirit, humour and passion for what she does is contagious and I’m very grateful to get to experience her gift for healing and helping others.
– Sydney, Toronto

"Our whole family has been treated; we're steeped in gratitude!"
As a practitioner, Janet is clear, present and focussed. She is an incredible communicator. Every session with her leaves me feeling hopeful and optimistic — empowered in fact — realizing that past injuries, traumas or illnesses will not determine my future vitality or wellness.
Here are a couple of examples of her 9-1-1 rescues:
I awoke one morning and was violently ill. My partner said I was as white as a ghost. I could barely make it to the bathroom and the physical stress was compounded by the fact I had a very exciting day in my career. I was launching a new job, including a huge presentation. I went from the toilet to the bathroom floor when I insisted we get a hold of Janet. In that session she quickly discovered the culprit to be a Salmonella poisoning. She worked BodyIntuitive magic and I was able to go to work. No one would have believed it had they not witnessed that transformation. (Just as a comical sidebar —within two weeks we received a note from Costco about a bad batch of Almond Butter containing Salmonella.)
Recently in a session she discovered the culprit of another toxin for my system — an adrenal support supplement that my body clearly didn’t like (I was taking it to strengthen my system and it was weakening it) — I have countless examples like this!
Our entire family has been treated by Janet Podleski and we are all steeped in gratitude. Through this work we all have a better understanding that our physical symptoms have a story, that we are all biochemical and energetic individuals, and through Janet’s attentive, compassionate, professional and gifted sessions feel positive about our wellness now and moving forward.”
– Veronica, Ottawa

"Nothing short of miraculous"
Janet’s work is nothing short of miraculous. Each and every time I have had a session with her, I have come away feeling lighter, more centred, more hopeful, and with a renewed sense of self, mind and body. Her intuitive approach is all at once disarming and empowering.
Now, could I fully describe the work she does? Nope. Do I care? Not in the least. All I know is that she has dedicated years of study to this amazing work and in true Janet fashion, she applies it with expert precision. To say that I recommend her is an understatement. Your eyes have fallen on my review for a reason. What that means is you need to book some time with her right now. A new life awaits!
– Carole, Toronto
"Incredibly exciting and life-changing work"
BodyIntuitive treatment has been a profound and immensely beneficial process for me. My sessions with Janet began in early 2020 and comprise multi-layered explorations of my Self, at the levels of body, mind, and spirit — through time. Resolution of issues can involve Eastern and/or Western treatments, and Janet suggests concrete ways for me to continue the healing process after the appointment.
The experience has been akin to lifting layers of an onion to uncover essential life themes, blocks, and patterns, while uncovering and being introduced to ultimate cause. Dealing with cause rather than simply symptoms can bring deep healing. This is incredibly exciting and life-changing work. I'm so grateful for Janet's treatments, and for her dedication, gentleness, perception, and care. Ultimately, these sessions have also given me hope.
– Colleen, Almonte

"Janet is highly skilled, encouraging and empowers her clients to take charge of their health"
Janet Podleski's work as a BodyIntuitive practitioner has had a significant impact on my health and overall quality of my life. As someone who has struggled with serious health conditions, I have relied on her sessions to move me forward in my healing. Janet has the ability to clearly articulate what is happening in a way that is very open, easy to understand and makes you feel like a participant in the process. She is highly skilled, encouraging and empowers her clients to take charge of their health. I attribute many positive changes in my life to Janet's care, intuition, and BodyIntuitive energy work.
– Janet, St. Thomas

"Listen to your intuition and go for it!"
Janet has helped me heal from a traumatic surgical experience and diagnosis, and we have explored epigenetics, ancestral impacts and so much more. Each session with her releases deeply held blockages that I wasn’t even aware of, which has enabled me to feel freer in my body, mind, and soul. Janet is highly knowledgeable and skilled in her craft and approaches each session in a gentle manner. Working with her has been a true blessing and I couldn’t be more grateful!
– Sarah, Beckwith

"Far ahead of her time"
What a GIFT these healing and rejuvenating sessions are. Janet's decades of health and wellness experience are a huge benefit to anyone who's serious about improving, or overcoming health challenges.
I wasn't sure how I felt about "distance healing" because my logical mind said "how is that possible?" —but when you work with Janet, and do your own research you find that there is *so much evidence* of epigenetics and quantum-field ('morphogenetic') healing that you realize, she is far ahead of her time.
She is knowledgeable, kind, so down to earth and incredibly insightful. Whatever your health journey or goals are right now, ask yourself if you want to give yourself every possible advantage—do your research, and book a call with Janet to find out just how much better it can get.
– Melanie, Ottawa